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Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Would you do this to a Dog?

My greatest joy is getting down and getting dirty(it does help when you are as low to the ground as I am) I can quite recommend duck Poo as an interesting scent!
Anyway after acquiring some really good smells from a water Park trip a surprise awaited me on my return home.
Now one thing to say is I have never been allowed to go upstairs in the house (but I did admit to being curious as to what was up there? Well not any more!
I was carried up to a white tiled room and dumped a a pool of disgusting soapy water- all those well acquired smells replaced by shampoo!
I was washed and dried, it took me all afternoon to get over the shock!
so it looks like I will have to search out some new poo with a view to phew(and not shampoo)!!!!

Monday, 10 March 2008

Walked off their feet

We had a walk around the Sale water park at week-end and I mean walk! No car journey ; we had to walk to the park and back. I did manage to avoid falling in this time- but when chasing a jogger, I got a surprise kick (I will be more careful next time)My short legs were tired- but not as tired as the owners- they both fell asleep in the afternoon (they blamed the rugby- but I know better!)
I have discovered a really good thing today, if I bury my pig's ear in the compost heap- then dig it up again it tastes really great, it makes a pig's ear of the kitchen floor too!!!!

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Dancing with Wolves-another whisky shot!

Perhaps the title should be dancing with death! I met this wolf in the park (at least I am sure it was) I went over to give it a sniffing and it trod on my head and pinned me down!
The owner of "said wolf" commented " careful it's only a baby!"Cheek of it- I am 4 1/2 months now!
Anyway when we got back , I had to have a shot of Whisky to calm me(I hope you get the joke-shot of whisky?) It's lost on me - but then again I am a dog!

Saturday, 1 March 2008

An unexpected dip

A funny thing happened at the water park this week!
I was just giving a local duck a good chasing when I realised I was heading towards the water too quickly!!! A hasty retreat caused my back end and nether regions to fall into the said "water park".
I tell you it is quite a shock to the system (as well as my low slung nether regions)
Tell you what I noticed too - there are more nether regions down there than there used to be!!!